Fantic XX 250 2T 2024

1.945.000 kr.


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MX 250 heimsmeistarinn. Fantic XX 250 vann EMX 250 heimsmeistaratitilinn annað árið í röð í ár. Virkilega létt og kraftmikið hjól, hjólið kemur með mikið endurbættum mótor í ár sérstaklega tjúnaður af keppnisliði Fantic.

XX 250

Everyone thought it was finished, but our 2T is in such good shape that the XX250 won the European EMX250, brushing off competition from 4-strokes.

We even managed to challenge the 450 in the first European event of the World MXGP, and now all our experience and accolades are ready and waiting for your right wrist.


As promised, Fantic Racing fine-tunes the beating heart of the XX250 with a piston from the Maddii Factory team which dominates the championships.

With the Fantic exhaust system and double mapping control unit, the XX250 becomes even more powerful and explosive when needed, but the excellent chassis makes it easy to handle.

An extremely powerful, but balancedweapon


A fantastic chrome-plated expansion pipe will tell the world loud and clear about the wonders of a two-stroke.

Our R&D department worked hard on a component that’s key to performance and designed specifically for high-level MX use.

Thanks to the cast aluminium silencer, we also ensure compliance with FIM regulations. 100% race ready!


The XX250 boasts the most competitive frame and suspension in its class. An exceptionally precise high-tech semi-double-cradle frame in aluminium for optimum rigidity and lightness, weighing just 8 kg.

How does it feel to ride? Maximum precision and responsiveness for top performance in any conditions.

Kayaba suspension has been the benchmark for off-road for years and needs no introduction.  The Kayaba SSS (Speed Sensitive System) 48mm closed cartridge pressurised forks have 300mm of travel and are fully adjustable for pre-load, rebound and compression. Perfect adaptation for any level of riding, from beginner to race professional. The mono shock absorber is also Kayaba, with 315mm wheel travel.


We want you to stay focused and alert from the first lap to the last.

This is why we worked with the Factory Team to develop special slimline plastics, without obstructions and perfectly contoured to give you maximum comfort, freedom and riding position.


But how cool is it to change a filter one-handed? No tools are required, and ready to go again in a few seconds. What really counts is time on the seat, not pitstops.

So simple, that it rhymes with performance.

Following careful flow analysis and trial runs with our riders, the Fantic engineers chose an optimised sizing for maximum performance. The new design also guarantees minimum impurities, so only fresh air enters the TwinAir filter.

Motocross XX 125



How’s the track today? Wet sand? Perfectly packed dirt? No problem.

The XX250 comes with two engine mapping settings accessed from the handlebars.

The Soft Mapping delays ignition time, giving more gentle delivery and is recommended for a more treacherous terrain, for a bike that’s always responsive and manageable, without sacrificing the adrenaline rush of maximum power




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