Fantic XE 50 2T performance 2023 Skellinaðra

998.000 kr.

Þetta hjól er uppselt en er væntanlegt aftur á lager. Ef um sérpöntun er að ræða er afgreiðslutími 4-6 vikur.

Hafið samband við sölufulltrúa fyrir nánari upplýsingar um stöðu á þessari vöru í síma 537 1333 eða tölvupósti [email protected]

Athugið að verð er háð gengi hverju sinni.


The new Fantic 50cc Euro 5 range debuts, characterised by a perfect balance between the new exhaust and Dell’Orto carburettor and the Minarelli 50 2-stroke liquid-cooled engine.

An engine of the latest generation able to ensure an increase in performance while complying with the Euro 5 homologation parameters. Important updates for the chassis, ergonomics and aesthetics with the new attractive liveries inspired by the Fantic Racing models. Discover the most equipped and performing 50cc on the market.

The extraordinary compact chassis combined with great handling makes the Fantic Enduro XE 50 Performance ideal for young people eager to experience new adrenaline-pumping adventures.

Every off-road track will seem like a new goal to be reached with a reliable partner.


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